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**ALERT: Nominations for new committee members are now closed**


The Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) will take place on 10th August 2024, 4 – 4.30pm
in The Radnor Arms car park (or Hub Marquee or Community Centre if wet – signs will be put up)

Join us for our first Annual Members' Meeting on Saturday 10th August, 4-4.30pm at The Radnor Arms. Following this will be the Community Celebration of Purchasing the Radnor Arms from 4.30pm – 10.00pm!

Supported by our home-grown small voluntary groups/ businesses
Hub Bar facilitated by Ruth Watson
M&S Pizza with Sharon & Martin
Milsom & Cox Helados Ice-creams with Anna & Family
Skittles & Chats


Following the huge success of our recent share offer (and pending completion of the purchase of the Radnor Arms), it is now time to hold the Society’s Inaugural Meeting and first Annual Members’ Meeting, when the New Management Committee will be announced.


The Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) will be held in person, in the car park of the Radnor Arms on 10th August at 4pm, this meeting is open to Shareholders and members of the public.


The AMM will be followed by pizza, ice-cream and an outside bar. The meeting will be recorded to share with all investors unable to make the meeting in-person.


Now's the time to stand for election


To enable all Shareholders to vote for the new committee prior to the meeting, we are now inviting all investors who would like their names to be put forward to stand for election, to nominate yourself, share your skills, and write a 100-word bio on your desire to serve on the Committee.


What's the nomination process?​


  • All Shareholders of the Radnor Arms Community Benefit Society may nominate themselves for the 2024/5 committee via our online form. Shareholders who are not online will receive a postal form to complete and return.

  • Nominations must be received by 5pm on Thursday 25th July.

  • Nominations will be collated and sent to you in an online voting form (and by post to those not online).

  • Shareholders can study the nominations and choose up to 12 people to serve as their committee for 2024/5.

  • Don’t forget to press 'send' when you have finished, otherwise your vote will not be counted.

  • The names of 12 committee members with the most nominations, voted by the you, will be shared at the Inaugural Members’ Meeting on the 10th August 2024.


What does putting your name forward as a Committee Member mean?

The Society's primary focus is to successfully run the business and eventually deliver interest payments to members.


Committee Members do this guided by the views expressed by Shareholders, they also have a legal duty to ensure the operations of the Society are conducted in compliance with the adopted model rules, the law and governing bodies.


Community Benefit Societies adopt varying terms for their management groups ie. directors, board members, governors etc. This society uses the term ‘Committee Members’ given our responsibility to the community and our aim of keeping the community’s interests at the centre of our decision making.


What are the duties and responsibilities of being a Committee Member?


  • to regularly attend meetings and prepare fully for them

  • to actively participate in meetings and conduct business in a collaborative and constructive manner

  • to take an active role in sub-groups which form an essential part of Management Committee work e.g.Finance, Marketing & Communications, Planning, Renovations, Fundraising and Events


Term of office


  • One, two or three years from the close of the AGM, 10th August 2024


Positions being elected


  • Committee Members are elected by the Members without specific areas of responsibility. At the first board meeting, a Chair and officers (such as treasurer, secretary, membership secretary) will be elected by the Committee


Eligibility to stand for election


  • Individual nominees must be a Shareholder of the Society

  • Nominations cannot be taken from a Shareholder disqualified to serve as a director under the Company Director Disqualification Act 1986


Format of nomination


  • You are invited to submit a personal statement of up to 100 words describing how you can proactively support the work of the committee.


Our Shareholder membership is wonderfully diverse. We are keen to encourage candidates from across the Membership to put themselves forward.


If you would like to discuss becoming a Committee Member before completing the form, then the current Chair, Martin Lewis & Vice-Chair, Sue Norton, will be very happy to speak with you. Martin & Sue can be contacted by emailing or phoning Sue on 07469 094 136​​​​


Thursday 25th July, 5pm

Deadline for receipt of nominations

Saturday 27th July

Nomination details published / poll is open

Monday 5th August, 5pm

Poll closes

Saturday 10th August, 4pm

Inaugural/FirstAnnual General Meeting


  1. Click on the nomination form button below

  2. Complete your details

  3. Write your personal biography (up to 100 words) sharing the experience/skills you can bring to the team. This will help investors choose the committee with the skills they see will help take the Radnor Arms on to the next chapter.

  4. Once your form is completed, click on the 'send' button at the end of the form. Your details will automatically be sent to the Society.

  5. Alternatively, you can download PDF version to hand write your form and send this to: or delivered by post or by hand for the attention of the Society Secretary c/o Libby Roe, Rowington, Rectory Lane, New Radnor. LD8 2TF.

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